Here's a chance to read
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner for FREE! No library needed. :) The book is a companion novella to the Twilight series by author Stephenie Meyer. It is the story of a newborn vampire, Bree Tanner, who is featured in the third book of the series, Eclipse. Remember the newborn army that Victoria was building? Bree was one of them...
BreeTanner.ComHere's the fine print on reading it for free: "The site will be live from noon EST on June 7th until midnight EST on July 5th. Please keep in mind that you can only read the book here – you won’t be able to download it to your e-reader or phone. And you can’t print it out."
Have you read it yet? Or, are you reading it now? I'd love to hear your thoughts!! I just found it this morning and haven't found a chance to curl up at the computer yet.
A huge thanks to Stephanie Meyer's for sharing this with her fans, for free. :)