What a fun weekend!! I took a little break from eBay and blogging over the weekend. My daughter turned 4 and my dad and step-mom were in town. I spent the day getting back on track. Laundry, eBay, and just having a relaxing day alone with the kids!
As far a
CVS recap for last week: I started the week with $28 in
ECB and ended with $40.97 in
ECB. That's a profit of $12.97. I spent $5.72 in
OOP cash (I screwed this up by about $3, long story). So, overall for the week I made profit of $7.25!!!!! That's my best week yet. It's also good news, since there are not a lot of
ECB offers this week at
CVS. Here's the newest
Welcome Coupon ($4 off $20). I'll be using some of my
ECB "profits" this week on some necessities (diapers!). Note....one package of crackers is missing from the photo! :)
While my dad and step-mom were in town, they gave me lots of
eBay inventory. Ties, VHS tapes, phone accessories and comic books. Nothing beats free inventory, thanks Dad and Irene!!!!! We had a great visit, especially the kids!
I saw a few things that interested me in the Wal-Mart ad this week. Bisqick is $1, Bagelfuls $1.98 ($.98 with $1 coupon from paper), Honey Bunches of Oats $1.98 (free with $2
coupon). I haven't even shopped for groceries in 2 weeks!! We have lots of snacks left over from the party, but my $29 worth of stuff from Kroger sure has lasted. I might blow my $30 budget this week. Also, since nothing really looked good at Kroger or Albertson's, I'll wait for the new ads on Wednesday. Maybe hit Wal-Mart tomorrow to hold me over.
I'm off to watch TV with my hubby.