I had some recent eBay success, a few weeks back, selling a stuffed animal that I thought I'd share. Stuffed animals can a huge success
if you are patient.
I bought this cute little stuffed dog at a thrift store for $.59 and he sold from my store for $29.97. Check out the listing
here. That's a $29.38 profit before eBay fees, just for a few minutes worth of work on one listing!
Now, like I said it takes patience if you're looking for that kind of profit. As far as success in selling plush (stuffed animals), the less common brands do better. What I mean is this Walmart dog sold for $29.97 but you might only get $10 for a Ty stuffed bear. It seems to be a supply and demand type situation as well. Think about it, if little Suzie lost her
favorite stuffed dog, and if you're the
only one on eBay with a listing, you'll most likely get your asking price. Listing them in a store format, rather than at auction, is the best way to go. Also, consider adding a "or best offer" feature to the listing. But, how do you know which plush pieces to price at $10 and what to price at $30 or maybe even $40? Take a peek around eBay. See how many others are for sell and price accordingly. No others for sell? Price a bit higher and add "or best offer".
For more about selling on eBay, read
my eBay selling page! Thanks for taking a peek and good luck!