Free Woman's Day Magazine from Mercury Magazines! Awesome!
Rememer, magazines are fun to read, sometimes have coupons, and can be donated (to a library) or recycled when you are done.
Shop At Home also pays out $5 to sign up!! You can't beat free money. I ran across Shop At Home while I was looking a today's offer from Dollar Surveys.
I'm giving Dollar Surverys a trial run. It's a bit different, as you can't log into your account to see how much money you have pending, but it says it pays out weekly to your PayPal account. I figure not much time will be wasted giving this survey place a shot. Anyone, else tried Dollar Surveys?
Back to the cash back rebate programs. I was ordering some (free) note cards from Shutterfly this afternoon, and it honestly took only 45-60 seconds to check all 3 sites (Big Crumbs, Ebates and Shop At Home) to see who paid the highest percentage back. In this case it was Ebates. If you need to do some online shopping, be sure you're getting cash back to shop!
P.S. Here's an older post about online shopping and cash back rebates.
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