This week felt like the old days at CVS, well a little a least. Here's what I came home with:
Transaction #1
4 Pringles ($.88 each) $3.52
Skintimate Shave Cream $3.49
Colgate $2.99
2 Revlon Nail Colors (B1G1 Free) $4.99
(2) $1.00/1 Pringles coupon from the P&G mailed packet (they were burning holes in my pockets!)
$1.00/2 P&G newspaper coupon
$1.00 Colgate coupon
(2) $2.00 Revlon coupons
$2.00 CVS/Revlon coupon from the magic coupon machine
$2.99 in ECB
$1.00 in ECB (winter spending)
Total OOP = $1.00 and I got back $5.49 in ECB ($3.49 for the Skintimate and $2.00 for the Colgate)
I would loved have to have stopped here, with a nice little $.50 profit, but thought I'd better stock up on Pull-Ups again while they were cheap, and I could make some ECB while doing it.
Transaction #2
2 Pull-Ups $20.00
2 Johnson's lotions $6.00
(2) $2.00 Pull-Ups newspaper coupons
(2) $1.00 Johnson's newspaper coupons
$5.49 in ECB from transaction #1
Total OOP = $15.83 and I got back $10.00 in ECB for the baby stuff.
Overall, I spent $16.83 out of pocket, and I saved a total of $44.27 over both transactions.
I always like to take the math a but further, in order to make this all sound way cheaper. Let's give that a shot. Since I started with $3.99 in ECB and ended with $10, I "made" $6.01 in ECB so we'll take that off the total, not to mention the $1.50 rebate from
The Caregivers Marketplace for the 2 Pull-Ups. How does $9.32 sound for a total. Ahh....much better!
Also, in transaction #1, the cashier did not price adjust the coupons. So, I had a $1.01 overage on the Revlon which helped pay for the rest of the transaction. I had figured transaction #1 at about $2.50 out of pocket. Yay, overages!
P.S. The magic coupon spit out a $15/75 CVS coupon. Wonder if I'm up to the challenge?