Transaction #1
Garnier Style stuff $2.99
Crest $1.99
$1.00 Garnier coupon
$1.00 Crest coupon from mailed P&G book
$2.89 in ECB
Total OOP = $.09 and I got back $3.00 in ECB
Transaction #2
5 Visines $18.95
Band-Aids $3.59
(5) $2.00 Visine newspaper coupons
$2.00 CVS/Visine-A coupon from the magic coupon machine before Transaction #1
$1.00 Band-Aid newspaper coupon
$9.00 in ECB
Total OOP = $.54 and I got back $10.00 in ECB.
Overall, I spent $.63 cash out of pocket and I increased my ECB from $8.89 to $10. That's an ECB profit of $1.11, minus the $.63 cash I spent and I made a "profit" of $.48 this week at CVS. I also saved $40.89. But wait, there's more! I listed the four Visine Tears boxes on eBay ($9.99 starting price) and already have a bidder! It was another win-win week at CVS. :)
Do you have any tips for listing these types of items on eBay? Do you find that multiples sell better than single items? Do you offer free shipping? The only thing I have gotten to sell well has been razors; most everything else went for $0.99, so I'm wondering if I should be listing things differently.
Hi Jennifer!! :)
Yes, on the multiples. For instance I did a few Cover Girl lipsticks a while back and found that two of the same shade together worked best. Sometimes, I do free shipping. I actually considered it for the Visine (thank goodness I did not this time!). Allergy meds do well.... Sometimes, I list things as a "private listing".
I basically try to group and price things that will still be a bargain for the "average" shopper. Oh, and being willing to ship internationally helps too!!
If you're wanting $5 for something, start it at $4.99. It's worth the extra few cents in the long run. I was taking a shot at the Visine at $9.99, but it worked out.
Sorry if I kind of rambled! And you're right about the razors, they do well!! :)
Thanks, those are good tips. I'm going to list some items tonight!
Yay!! :)
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