Here's how I keep them organized and with me at all times. They all fit into the nice bright orange pencil case. Hey..... it was free! My mom gave it to me. The draw back is, I'm sure all the cashiers will start to remember me. I can hear them talking now, "Oh, here she is. The crazy coupon lazy with the orange pencil case FULL of coupons". Anyway, the pencil case fits in my purse. Here's what inside:

2. Calculator in black case and a pen (not pictured). Haha.
3. Redbox free rental codes. I re-print this every few weeks or so. We only go once every week or two so there is always a code to use for a free rental.
4. Target coupons, sporting the super fashionable "Verizon" envelope. I pay bills online and this is one way I "re-use" the envelopes. Then I recycle them. I change out my envelopes every week or two when I sit down and organize/clean out my pouch. I usually do this on Sunday after I've clipped my coupons from the paper. I put my new coupons away and pull any expired ones (to recycle of course).

6. Store and restaurant coupons. Things like Sonic coupons (my whole family had lunch today at Sonic for $5), $5 off $25 at Once upon a Child (resale shop), etc. This way I never forget a coupon at home. If it expires, so what? At least if I ever do pop in somewhere, I will have the coupon with me.
7. All of my coupons!!! They are in 14 categories right now.
I've seen some other cute ideas for storage. I like the idea of using a photo album but am worried about the extra bulk of the plastic pages. I am currently still refusing the carry a coupon "box". But this does seem to be working for me so far. If I pass by the "clearance" rack or find something else on sale that I missed when making my list, my coupons are very easy to grab. Anyone else have any different ideas???? Leave me a comment if so!
I live further North from you (think McKinney).
I use a binder with baseball card holders. Today at Target the cashier said, "I remember you! You are the one who is organized with her coupons". Ha... if only she could see my kitchen and coffee table (and junk drawer and the bottom of my purse)
Ha ha! That's cute!! :)
I use a coupon holder I bought at organize.com I love it I also save time clipping coupons with my battery operated black and decker sissors ! what a time saver and great xmas present. Every couponer should have one ! I use envelopes for my trips also .
Awesome! Thanks for the ideas....I was actually thinking of new scissors. Battery operated???? Wow! :)
One thing you might consider is shopping for some of your items online. I find that when I combine some deals and coupons for items (non-grocery items, natch) that I find at sites like DealTaker.com it really helps cut down on my coupon clutter.
Hope that helps!
Thanks!! I've always shopped online just for gifts and "hard to find" items. I'll check it out! :)
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