Here's how I did at CVS this week:
Transaction #1
2 Sunsilks $7.00 (needed)
2 Kids Colgates $5.00 (needed)
Cover Girl foundation $5.49
Cover Girl Powder $5.49
$1.50 Sunsilk coupon from newspaper
$1.00 Sunsilk coupon from sample
(2) $.75 Kids Colgate coupons from newspaper
B1G1 coordinating Cover Girl product P&G coupon
$3/$15 CVS coupon
$8.00 in ECB
OOP=$2.49 and I got back $9.49 in ECB. $2.00 for the Colgate, $2.00 for the Sunsilk and $5.49 for the CG foundation.
Transaction #2
3 Cokes and 1 Sprite 12 pack $13.00
Folgers Coffee $2.99 (needed)
2 CVS Brand Pretzels $1.58 (impulse purchase due to magic coupon machine!)
$.25 Folgers P&G coupon
(4) $1.00 Coke 12 pack coupons from cashing in Coke Points
$1.00/2 CVS Brand Pretzels coupon from magic machine
$7.79 in ECB from transaction #1
$3/$15 coupon
OOP=$1.53, I hadn't planned on getting the pretzels, but still a good deal overall!!
I could have thrown in some candy and used $2 more in ECB. That would have lowered my OOP down to about zero, but they were in the car! I had my son and was "traveling light". I've moved into a new huge coupon binder. More on that later. Anyway, I got back $3 in ECB for the Coke. My total OOP for the week $4.02 and I still have $5.00 in ECB left for next week. And, I knocked out 3 things on my shopping list, the Sunsilk, kids toothpaste and coffee. I'll consider the Coke and pretzels "free" and I'll just sell the make-up, which was "free" too, on eBay. It can pay for next week's CVS trip!