I've been having a great Thanksgiving week. I guess it all started Monday night when I gave in and bought
Twilight . The first novel in the way too popular Stephanie Meyer series. I say "gave in" because, well lets face it, I'm in my 30's so I've already done the whole vampire thing back in the 90's with Anne Rice. Plus, Stephanie Meyer's books have way too many screaming tween and teen fans (mostly due to the movies, I'm sure). Anyway, I couldn't put Twilight down once I stared reading it in the store. I loved it! Which is saying a lot. I love to read but I am very picky at the same time.
I finished reading Wednesday afternoon while cooking our Thanksgiving dinner. My husband worked on Thanksgiving Day, so we planned ahead for dinner on Wednesday. By the way, I used the
Slow Cooker Turkey Recipe (2 ingredients plus 8 hours) and it came out awesome! We had just a few sides and a pecan pie, since it was just the 4 of us. It was so relaxing to hang out together without any stress to clean or have dinner ready at a certain time.
On Thanksgiving Day we lounged around in our pajamas (well 3 of us did, hubby was off to work), watched the Macy's parade and ate leftovers. I'll have to say the best compliment I've ever received on my cooking is when my son asked for turkey and sweet potatoes for breakfast! Anyway, then we headed out to my in-laws. The kids got to play with all their cousins. It was lots of fun and the weather was so beautiful. Then, we drove by my parents and visited them for a bit. We are so thankful to have so much of our family, living so close. :)
Friday...well, I'm not a Black Friday shopper. At all. The whole getting up really early and fighting large crowds to save a few bucks does not appeal to me. I'm more of a sleep in and shop on the Internet at my leisure type. I'm already done shopping for my kids via the internet, free shipping on everything (Santa and I shopped Toys R Us and Amazon). So yesterday, since I was afraid to go out with the crowds just for a new book (
New Moon...second in the Twilight series). I stayed home again and blogged. It was so nice to devote a few hours to it, I had lots of fun. And, I opened a new checking account that will pay me a $121 bonus! More on that at the end of this post.
Today, I
had to get out and get the next book. First I dropped of eBay stuff at the Post Office (yay!). Then, I picked up my free 8x10 Walgreens collage (expired offer-saved $3.99) and got a free
Redbox (promo code: DVDONME, I used a new debit card- saved $1). Finally I got to Target and got the book. Last, I planned a trip to Chick-Fil-A. I saved $2.89 there using a coupon. The kids got to play while I started to read. It's already sucked me in and now I'm wondering what I'm doing blogging right now, I need to be reading!
Also, I need to say how much I love the new Wylie Target. I forgot to use a few coupons (guess I was giddy about the new book) and ran back in after loading the car. The lady at customer service was SO nice about it. They love couponers at the Wylie location! Oh and a deal alert, they have 1 lb. cartons of strawberries for $.99!!!

I mentioned I opened a new account that will pay me a $121 bonus. It's an ING Direct Electic Ornage checking account. I've been an ING saving account holder since 2003, and it's the best savings account I've ever had. So, yesterday when ING had a Black Froday offer for their checking account, I jumped on teh offer. Read
yesterday's ING post for all the scoop. Here's the best part, the offer was extended for today! I have no idea when it expires exactl, so please hurry if $121 in free money sounds good to you! It's a "Black Friday" deal so it won't last long.
Okay, I'm off to post a few more things and then stick my nose back in New Moon. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and remember all that you're thankful for!