Here's a great scenario:
Candy Land $3.99
Chutes & Ladders $3.99
Memory $3.99
HiHo Cherry-O $3.99
Scrabble $9.99
Total $25.99 - $10.00 Gift card back - $11.00 in rebates and it's like getting 5 games for $.99 each.
Games are a great holiday gift idea for grandkids, nieces and nephews, and they're perfect for a toy drive donation! Another idea is to buy the games now and hold them back for birthdays throughout the year.
The rebate is valid until Jan 31st, 2010. But, the $10 GC is the in-store only part and it expires Saturday.
I'd love to hear other pre-holiday deals you have found!!
I just found another AWESOME scenario!!
Ants in Pants $3.99
Candy Land $3.99
Chutes & Ladders $3.99
Don't Break the Ice $3.99
Hi Ho Cherry-O $3.99
Memory $3.99
Cootie $3.99
$27.93 (pre tax) - $10 GC - $14 in rebates = $3.93 for 7 games. That's $.56 a game!!!
I noticed that too! Can't believe they're practically giving them away!
Good things come to those who wait (and plan a little!). :)
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