Land o' Lakes butter tubs (price after mega discount) $.99 - $.50 cpn doubled = FREE
Kroger Butter $1.99 - free Kroger cpn (mailed) = FREE
Cheez-Its $.99 - $1.00/2 = $.50 each
Bumble Bee tuna $.50 - $.55 cpn = FREE /$.05 overage
Carnation Evaporated Milk $.50 - $1.00/2 cpn = FREE
Betty Crocker Mash Pots $.99 - $.40 Betty Crocker printable doubled - $.40 Cellfire eCoupon = FREE / $.21 overage
Hormel Chili $.79 each - $2.00/3 cpn = $.12 each
Steamfresh Veggies $.99 - $.50 cpn doubled or - $.50 Steam Fresh printable cpn doubled = FREE
Sara Lee Mini Bagels = FREE with Sara Lee bread purchase
Maruchan Japanese Noodles $.99 - $.50 cpn doubled = FREE
After all was said and done, I purchased 61 items yesterday. I saved $72.16 and only spent $35.16. I couldn't have done it without my coupon binder. I typically work on it for about an hour once a week, clipping and filing. Then once I'm ready to go shopping I spend another 20 minutes or so making my list and pulling out the coupons I'll need. So, the question is, is it worth an hour and a half of your time to save $72.16? YES!
Remember to purchase and donate the items you might not use! This week's prices are good until November 10th...and I found another tuna coupon at the bottom of my purse (not very organized of me, I know!). Since I still have 3 or 4 more evaporated milk coupons so I might run in for one more Mega Event transaction tomorrow when I'm in the area. I go to the Sachse, Texas Kroger since they double and triple coupons.
Be sure to e-mail me anything you found free or cheap at Kroger this week, I'll add it to the list! :)
1 comment:
Check out my blog post on getting paid real cash to shop: http://www.annajocelyn.com/blog/2009/11/21/get-paid-to-shop/
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