Do you remember my old coupon organization system? Well, I needed an upgrade! I bought a new binder here and spent a few weeks searching for baseball sleeves. I finally gave up and went to a baseball card store (crazy idea, huh?). I was hoping to find some at Michael's or Hobby Lobby so I could use a coupon.
I ended up with 100 sheets and paid about $17. Yikes!! I wasn't sure what I would need. I may keep the spares for replacements as these wear out. I also still need dividers, but I'm cheap! So, I'm hoping to run across some here at the house or somewhere on sale super cheap.

The front part zips open by itself and has my circulars filed away. It's perfect for holding the current ad and monthly deals (CVS/Walgreens). I like that I can also access the ads once I'm inside the binder. That's what's shown in the picture.
Just inside, I have scissors, paper clips, a pen, paper, etc.... I don't really need those "on the go", but it makes coupon time at the house super quick. I'm not having to collect my supplies and put them away when I'm done.

Check out those shiny pages full of coupons. Ahhhh.....! I can put coupons away faster and find them in about 5 seconds flat. I haven't decided on the best way to pull expired coupons....I guess I'll give it a few weeks and it will work itself out, I'm sure.
Before, I would pull coupons that I might use at the store and have to put them back if I didn't. For example, if I wanted to get to the store and look at prices and decide what chicken to get. With the new system, I just make a note on the list and pull the coupon once I decide. It's so neat and clean.
Before, I would pull coupons that I might use at the store and have to put them back if I didn't. For example, if I wanted to get to the store and look at prices and decide what chicken to get. With the new system, I just make a note on the list and pull the coupon once I decide. It's so neat and clean.

In the very back I have a few plastic sleeves with my store envelopes in them. In here I keep coupons for that store only, my ECB, my Walgreens gift card, all the Target coupons, etc.
The very last picture is my Restaurant/Dept. Store coupon book. I used a free (cheap) photo album. They sell these everywhere as a "brag book" for like $1. I started stores on one side and restaurants on the other and they almost meet in the middle. This way, I can keep this in purse and not have to lug the HUGE binder out with the hubby if we're eating out or looking for shoes. :)
I will admit, it took me HOURS to move over into the binder but it was SO worth it! How do you keep your coupons organized????
Looks Great Angie!! I think I may have to cross over to the binder way of organizing soon!!
Thanks!! I love it, even though I'm a "Super Dork" while shopping with it! :)
Yes but Super Dorks save tons of money! My binder is a super bright green. I haven't couponed in weeks. Okay MONTHS! [GASP!!] But I will get my act together soon. It has just been a really busy year for me.
I did get my kids to sit around the table and coupon last weekend and that was thrilling to see them all on the coupons saving bandwagon!
Your new binder looks great. :-) I'm new to couponing (like weeks) and last week decided the binder was THE only way this could work for me. YES, it also took me a long time to get everything filed (BTW, I had packages of business card holders from a project years ago, so I opted to use those instead, but they require more meticulous folding?), but I love free, so they work. :-)
Good job!!! :-)
Thanks Sandra!! The business card sleeves idea is awesome!!
I'm all about free here too. I had a few baseball pages here, but when I got the new ones I had to use all new ones. I'm a bit OCD and they all needed to be the same and match!
Sounds like you're on the right track if you've already got your binder in place!! :)
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