Trip #2
Pull-Ups $9.99
3 Johnson's $9.97 (needed lotion bad)
Huggies Wipes $2.79 (needed as well)
Playskool Wipes $2.70
Q-Tips $2.49
CVS Contact Solution $4.99 (was totally out & wearing glasses)
Powerade $1.69 (was on the way to soccer)
2 CVS Brand Candies $1.98
$5/$30 CVS coupon that I got in the mail
$2.00/2 CVS Brand Candies from the magic coupon machine as I walked in the door!!!
$2.00 Pull-Ups cpn from newspaper
$.50 Huggies wipes cpn from newspaper
$3/3 Johnson cpn from newspaper
$6.58 in ECB from my first CVS trip

Total OOP = $18.69 Whoa!!!!! Crazy, huh? Didn't see that coming did you? And, I got back $11.69 in ECB. But, I do get $1 back from Caregivers Marketplace for the Pull-Ups. So, we'll say $17.69.
Trip #3 (the following day)
3 Coke Products $10
Fabric Softner $3.49 (needed)
Reese's $.50 (filler)
(3) $1.00 Coke cpns from cashing in Coke Rewards points
$10 in ECB from trip #2
and the cashier scanned a Coke coupon again (on purpose)...My lucky day, I guess!
Total OOP = ZERO and I got back $2.00 in ECB for the Coke.
I ended the week with $3.69 in ECB, yikes!! And.....I had another $5/$30 CVS coupon spit out of the magic coupon machine on trip #3. Yippee!
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