Transaction #1
1 Folgers-$10.00
2 Brut Deodorants-$3.39 each
Minus the following coupons:
$3 off $15 CVS coupon-hurry they expire this week!!!!
(2) $.55 Brut coupons from last Sunday's paper
$10 ECB
=2.68 OOP and I received $6.00 back in ECB (from the Brut)
Transaction #2
2 Honey Nut Cheerios-$3.33 each
1 Nature Valley Granola Bars-$3.34
2 Nivea for Men Shave Gel-$2.59 each
1 Coke for a filler (not pictured, I drank it!!)
Minus the following coupons:
$3/15 CVS coupon
(1) $4.00/2 Nivea Shave Gel from last Sunday's paper
(2) $1.50 off Cheerios from Pampers packs
(1) $.65 off Nature Valley Bars from here
And they adjusted my ECB down to $5.92 (from $6)
=ZERO OOP and I received $10.00 in ECB back (from the Folgers/Cereal)
Transaction #3
1 FAB Detergent-$1.99
1 Listerine Smart Rinse-$3.49
2 CVS Brand bandages-$1.99 each
1 Nivea Men's Body Wash-$4.99
1 Orbitz Gum (filler for my hubby)-$1.19
Minus the following coupons:
$2.00 printable Nivea Body coupon from here
$3/$15 CVS coupon
$10.00 ECB
=$.64 OOP and $13.47 back in ECB (from the Smart Rinse, bandages and Nivea)
Total OOP for the week, $3.32......so I made a 15 cent profit this week!!!!! I started with $10.00 in ECB and ended up with $13.47, minus the $3.32 cash out of pocket, equals 15 cents profit. I also was happy to get rid of the $10 ECB, I now have 3 smaller increments to work with next week. Yay CVS!!!
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