2 Garnier Face scrubs $5.99 each
1 Listerine Smart Rinse $3.49
I used two $1.00/1 Garnier coupons, the $3/$15 CVS coupon and $8.98 in ECB. I paid $1.49 OOP (I know I could have done better!!!!!!!). I am out of Listerine coupons...bummer! I got back $13.49 in ECB. So with my "Wylie Mom" math, that's a profit. $13.49 ECB made minus $8.98 ECB used=$4.51 ECB profit, minus $1.49 OOP.....for a grand total of $3.02 profit!!!! I didn't really feel like getting it any closer to zero today. :)
The best part of the deal was the it's not labeled as a participating ECB deal item so there was plenty in stock. I also found a "new" CVS that on Tuesday had NOTHING merchandised/labeled for ECB. Poor management I guess but good for me, since the ECB items should be more plentiful and in stock there.
P.S. I recieved a $5/$30 CVS coupon in my e-mail box this morning. It's good through Sunday. Keep an eye out!!
1 comment:
Oh I WISH I had a CVS near me!! You got a great deal!
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