Since my son is potty training, these 2 packs of Pull-Ups should last a while. I hope!
Transaction #1
2 Pull-Ups $20.00
Huggies Wipes $6.00
(2) $2.00 newspaper Pull-Ups coupons
$.50/1 Huggies Wipes newspaper coupon
Total paid to Walgreens GC = $23.17 and I got back a $10.00 Register Reward
Transaction #2
Coffee Mate, B1G1 Free, $2.49
Garnier Conditioner ( a friend for the Garnier shampoo
from CVS) $2.99
Kraft Mac & Cheese $1.59
Axe Hair Pomade $6.99
Wags Headache Relief $2.99
Colgate $3.49
Baby Ruth (filler) $.50
$1.50 printable Coffee Mate coupons$.69 Kraft/Wags coupon (saved $.90)
$.49 Nestle/Wags coupon (saved $.01)
$2.00 Wags EasySaver Garnier coupon
$1.00 Garnier newspaper coupon
$2.50 Wags Easy Saver Colgate coupon
$1.50 Colagte coupon from ALL YOU magazine
$10.00 Register Rewards from Trans #1
Total Paid to Wags gift card = $.14
On the second transaction, my plan was to purchase some rebate items with the RR to "make" some of my money back. I received a $.51 overage from the Coffee Mate and a $.51 overage from the Colgate, if you're technical I also had a $.01 overage from the Garnier. Anyway, I purchased the Mac & Cheese and Nestle candy as fillers to get me close to zero, but not under zero!
Here's how the transactions look overall. I spent $23.31 on my Walgreens gift card, but ZERO cash OOP. After I get the Walgreens rebate (and 10% bonus) for the Axe Pomade and Walgreens Headache Relief, I'll have $10.97 loaded back to the card. I've also already sent the UPC's from the Pull-Ups to
The Caregivers Marketplace for $.75 back per pack. That brings my total for Pull-Ups and wipes (what I really needed from Walgreens this week) to $10.84. But remember, I spent NO CASH out of pocket.
Here's the Walgreens gift card/rebate plan: Make an "investment" and purchase some rebate items. Have the money loaded to a Wags gift card. Use the gift card to purchase something that pays back Register Rewards. Use the Register Rewards to purchase a rebate item. Rebate money is loaded to card. Rinse and Repeat! I "invested" about $15 back in October and haven't spent cash OOP at Walgreens since! You can make the gift card balance grow through the 10% bonus and coupons.
Total saved at Walgreens this week, $33.36!