The Huggies diaper sample I requested here came. I ordered the newborn size and they are perfect for my daughter's dolls! Also included was a plastic Huggies "zipper" bag and a $3.00 coupon.
The Juicy Juice sports bottle also came, I requested it here and gave it to my son for soccer class. He was so excited!! So, it looks like each kiddo got a present today...and they were FREE!
Today's redplum with all the "junk" flyers had a few good coupons you may want to look for.
-$3.00 off Venus Spa Breeze
-B1G1 Free Satin Care Shave Gel
-$3.00 off Gillette Fusion
-B1G1 Free Gillette Series Shave Gel
-$1.50 off Excedrin 100 ct. Back & Body
Dillard's sent me 4 coupons for FREE shipping, 4 coupons for FREE gift wrapping and a very small almost to be missed card for a free magazine subscription. I can pick from Glamour, Vogue, GQ, Teen Vogue or Lucky. Remember last week I made $.50 a magazine selling them at Half Price Books. So it's like Dillard's sent me $6 in the mail, or at least that's the way I see it. :)
Lastly, I received two $5/$50 coupons from The Home Depot Garden Club.
Did you get anything fun? Let me know!