There is a $1.00 Fast Fixin's Chicken coupon on my coupon bar at the left. Once you print it, it has instructions on print 5 more $1.00 off coupons for signing up with Fast Fixin's. Be sure to read the comments of this post. :)
This is the chicken that can be found on sale sometimes for $1.00 (10 oz package) that I raved about here. It has added calcium and my kids think it's the best chicken, it is pretty yummy!! It goes on sale at Kroger and Wal-Mart around me, Kroger being the only place I have personally found it on sale.
I also love to use the $.50 off 6 Yoplaits, since Kroger or Albertson's will double that to $1.00.
Be sure to print coupons while you can!! And thanks for using my coupon bar!! It's so easy, huh?
8/25/08-Looks like you can only get Fast Fixin's coupons by SNAIL MAIL request. I noticed this while at Walmart last week. Better plan ahead for deals!! I still think that offering (5) $1 coupons is way too much. Issue (2) $1 coupons, accept that America will print those twice, and move on. By the time the coupons arrive in the mail, most people won't even bother to redeem them, since the "sale" the got them thinking about a new kind of chicken will be over. And the coupons might expire before the next sale. Offering them by snail mail seems to be taking a "step back". Here's another idea, try issuing coupons in the NEWSPAPER. I guess they are worried that (heaven forbid) someone might buy mulitiple papers.....gasp! Those are all just my personal opinions and no one has asked my advise on increasing sales and market share. :)
Just to let you know you are only allowed to print 5 $1.00 coupons. Trying to print off more will only result in us taking this promotion down again. You are only allowed 1 account per household as stated before sign up. We do check accounts.
We don't mind you getting something free just how you go about doing it.Following the rules helps us keep these promotions going.
Fast Fixin
Thanks, I changed my post! :)
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