This policy is valid from 26 June 2008
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Update 2011.
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Funny, They are the ones who set the limit on how many you can print, They should set the limit to what they actually want you to print! More of how people think we are cheating the system by fault of their own! Thanks for the comment earlier. As you could tell I was up late thinking...Not always a good thing!
First let me say upfront that I am the marketing manager for the company that makes Fast Fixin’ brand. We are always glad when a consumer enjoys our products so much that she wants to tell others about it. We recognize that there is no more effective marketing than unbiased and enthusiastic word-of-mouth.
That said, I would like to clarify the issue of coupon promotions for both Angie and Jesabella.
First, I am really dismayed that Jesabella openly blames our company (“by fault of their own”) for her dishonest behavior simply because we have been unable to eliminate the opportunity for her to cheat. Isn’t that a little like saying “If they don’t want me to steal this, they shouldn’t put it out here in my reach”?
There are technical problems behind the fact that if you know how, you can force the system to print more than the stated limit. If sites such as this continue to spread that information, then our only alternative is to set the limit even lower. The coupon users who don’t cheat miss out, and we don’t reach as many shoppers with our promotion as we hoped. Eventually coupon promotions may become so expensive and ineffective that we won’t offer them.
My second point is for Angie. You say you think this is “funny.” Although you removed the information from your previous post, you repeated it here (wink, wink). Perhaps you don’t understand that you are maintaining a web site that teaches others how to commit a crime. Even though it may seem like a petty crime, when enough people follow your instructions, $5 per person becomes a big loss to our company. There is a nonprofit watchdog group that assists law enforcement in the prosecution of individuals who use the Internet in this way, and they are completely serious.
You Web site serves a good purpose, but I hope that you re-think some of your practices and use it as a platform to promote honest and ethical behavior.
I am not about to use Angie's site as a battle ground for coupon use, but if this annon person would like ot email me your concerns, feel free to do so. As far as getting through technical issues to print additional coupons, we only inform readers that the limit is 2 and how to print your 2 from the source provided. As you stated, "If sites such as this continue to spread that information, then our only alternative is to set the limit even lower", you have set limits on how many coupons you can print and we try to inform people of that. But thank you for clarifing that you set limits on this. We do not inform people on how to cheat the system, only on how to make the legitimate system work for you! Please feel free to read my latest post "I am not a crook!" at www.addisonssupermom.blogspot.com
So are you saying it's ILLEGAL to hit my browers "back" button to re-print coupons?
YES: Wow! I am truly sorry. My intent was never to participate in and/or recommend illegal activity. I don't blog to "teach others how to commit a crime". And if it is ILLEGAL, someone should definetly communicate this to the public.
NO: Well, this is just an ethical issue. If that's the case, what is viewed as ethical will vary from person to person. So, YES, you should lower the amount of coupons you offer for printing. Five? Are you kidding me? How about offering only 2 or 3 instead? Hitting the back button is a common practice, not a secret that a few people "know how" to do. I wouldn't classify hitting the back button on my browser as "forcing the system to print more than the stated limit". Allowing, yes, but "forcing", no.
"There is a nonprofit watchdog group that assists law enforcement in the prosecution of individuals who use the Internet in this way, and they are completely serious."
I'd like to know who this watchdog group is. To me that came across as a threat. Sorry, but I think it was rather unprofessional of this company to come to your blog, make a post and do it as "anonymous". Seems if it were really the company stating this, they'd take up their displeasure with this happening with those that coded the software that allows it. And, how about emailing the blog owner? Is that just too difficult to do? Isn't it the same amount of clicks to email as to post? I think it is.
The above quoted statement made me think of that old TV show "Truth or Consequences".
Oh sure, let's let all the bloggers give more training for free to those that visit our blogs on how to use coupon printing software that we didn't design. Hitting the back button because you want to go back to something you like, want to see or do again is a natural action since it is something EVERYONE does using all browsers. You don't have to teach anyone to hit the back button. We all know what hitting it will do. For veteran computer users of about a week or more, it is as normal and natural as batting your eyes.
So, I don't believe anyone who is speaking behind an "anon" post and doesn't give the name of this watchdog group. There are thousands of people who want to cause trouble on successful sites. What they do is help to drive traffic. Let's face it, we all love more traffic!
Don't believe me? I suggest you educate yourselves. Google Coupon Information Council or Coupon Information Corporation. Too bad you interpret a friendly attempt to help you discern the boundaries between unethical and illegal behavior as a "threat".
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