So anyway, the day before I had put jumper cables in my car. I have no clue why. I haven't had them in the car in YEARS and I drive a new car, so I wasn't thinking I would need them. As we are unloading for lunch my daughter notices them and asks what they are. I do my best to explain a car "emergency" to her while we're heading through the parking lot.
Well, it didn't take long to show her what they are for! On the way out, a girl asked me if I had any cables and if I could help her with a jump. I haven't had anyone ask me this in over 10 years, and someone does the day after I load cables. Coincidence? Fate? I loaded the kids and had her off and going under 2 minutes. Aren't I handy? Not really....that was a joke. I'm terrible with cars. :)
Neat story, huh?
Your great motherly instincts kicked in, perhaps??? I am sure the lady was so glad you put them in your car!!!
I'm sure she was glad....she had a black car and it was already about 90 at lunch time. :)
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