Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween!! I hope everyone has some fun activities planned for the afternoon and evening.

My kids have already dressed up 3 times. They dressed up Wednesday for story time, yesterday morning for my daughter's "Traditional Halloween Party" at pre-school (they invited my son, how sweet, huh?), and last night we attended Boo on Ballard where we trick-or-treated in downtown Wylie. It has been Halloween central around here!

Wednesday night we carved pumpkins. Since it's so warm here in October, we have to be careful about carving them too early, or they rot too quick. Aren't our pumpkins cute?? I carved the castle from the Disney Pumpkin Stencils and my hubby carved his VERY FIRST pumpkin as well. It's the cute one on the very right. It was a Pumpkin Master's pattern. The kids helped hubby with the one in the middle! I've curious about the middle pumpkin....I wonder if I can "use" it later for pie filling. If not, I bought one more (the skin hasn't been punctured!). I may not like to cook, but I don't mind preparing pumpkin for pies. I'm weird I know!

I know I haven't posted a lot lately! The kids and I have been enjoying the season! I am also letting the groceries dwindle, because we'll be heading out of town soon. Yay!

Happy Halloween!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hot New Sample-Turtle Chex Mix Bar


These are rich and yummy! :)

Early Voting (in some states) Ends Friday!!

I've already voted!!!! Yay me!!!

Here in Texas we having "early voting". Thank goodness! It takes the pressure off making it to vote on one day with the long lines (yuck), etc. I'm not sure what states are participating, but to find an early voting location near you, click here.

Election Day is Tuesday Novemeber 4th. :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Free Rental at Rebox

Here's today free rental code for Redbox.


They seem to be popping up everywhere! There is now one at Walgreens. :)

Sorry I don't give out these more often! I flaked out when I signed up for the text messages from Redbox and they go to my husbands cell phone. Opps! I've tried changing it to mine but still never get them.

Kroger-Groceries AND Gas for $59.82

My trips to Kroger seem to just get better and better! We were low on staples (milk, fruit, waffles, yogurt, etc.) and I also needed gas. Here's what I this trip:

I did 2 transactions this time. First I ran into get as many Glade Plug-Ins I could find. They are $4.49 each and they give back a $4.00 catalina. I have lots of B1G1 free coupons!! I only found 2....but that's a $3.16 profit for each "set" of 2 that I buy.

OOP = $4.84 and $8.00 back in catalinas. I even took them to the car!

On transaction # 2 I used coupons and the $8.00 from above. OOP = $21.52

Total out of pocket for the trips was 26.36 but I'll get $5.00 back for the Minute Maids juice boxes with the rebate I told you about here. So, my overall OOP was really only $21.36 for all those groceries. And the pumpkins where $7.76 of that total ($3.88 each)!

Then, I got gas on the way out. I had finally reached the $100 mark for the Fuel Reward discount. E-85 was running $1.91 - $.10 discount = $1.81 a gallon. Wow! It only cost me $38.46 to fill up an empty Tahoe. I didn't think I'd see these day again! If I weren't so eco-friendly, I'd drive around just because I can afford to again. :)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Why Goodwill Rocks!

I just wanted to start off by saying.....this is my 300th post!! Yippee!!

Now, back to business! Check out this super cute Janie and Jack sweater I got this week at Goodwill. I was there shopping for "eBay treasures" and dug it out of the $.99 bin. When shopping for eBay I just do a quick scan.

I check: Brand Name, Condition and Price.

I didn't even see the size until I got home. It's a perfect fit for my son and it's in excellent condition/like new. I also scored him (on my second Goodwill trip this week....I only went 2 times) some Gymboree khaki shorts and a pair Children's Place footed snowman PJ's. Both also out of the $.99 bin. have to be willing to look and dig, dig, dig!!

Shopping at Goodwill has pretty gotten easy for me. I go in for eBay, and anything I find for us is just an added bonus. My poor daughter didn't get anything this week. But that's how Goodwill works. It's a treasure hunt and you can't go in looking for something specific. I usually only spend about an hour in the store, and can come out with 10-20 things. Once I'm home, I rescan items, sort to wash, etc. That's when I look at sizes and "pull things" for the kids.

Remember the new without tags Ralph Lauren shirt I got my hubby at Goodwill? Want to know what kind of treasures could be awaiting you?

How about a new Fitz and Floyd snack plate, new with tags Nike/Cowboy's infant wear, a Lacoste sweater, a Spode plate, a BCBG 100% cashmere sweater, a Gymboree Christmas dress (already sold)....the list goes on and on and on!

If you're in the Dallas area, Goodwill is having a BIG SALE today (Saturday). 50% off clothes and Christmas and 75% off Halloween. Warning!!! These sales are crazy busy, so go without kids if you can. I've already been twice this week, so I'll pass on today's sale. :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Another Garnier Ultra-Lift® Sample

Walgreens is now also offering a sample of the Garnier Nutritioniste Ultra-Lift...yay!

Click here to request yours.

There is also one to request from Walmart, that I told you about last weekend. We have to keep those mailboxes happy!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

CVS Wrap Up-Oct 23

My first trip to CVS this week is here. I finally headed back in for the rest of my "needs". Here's what I got:

Trip #2

Pull-Ups $9.99
3 Johnson's $9.97 (needed lotion bad)
Huggies Wipes $2.79 (needed as well)
Playskool Wipes $2.70
Q-Tips $2.49
CVS Contact Solution $4.99 (was totally out & wearing glasses)
Powerade $1.69 (was on the way to soccer)
2 CVS Brand Candies $1.98


$5/$30 CVS coupon that I got in the mail
$2.00/2 CVS Brand Candies from the magic coupon machine as I walked in the door!!!
$2.00 Pull-Ups cpn from newspaper
$.50 Huggies wipes cpn from newspaper
$3/3 Johnson cpn from newspaper
$6.58 in ECB from my first CVS trip

Total OOP = $18.69 Whoa!!!!! Crazy, huh? Didn't see that coming did you? And, I got back $11.69 in ECB. But, I do get $1 back from Caregivers Marketplace for the Pull-Ups. So, we'll say $17.69.

Trip #3 (the following day)

3 Coke Products $10
Fabric Softner $3.49 (needed)
Reese's $.50 (filler)


(3) $1.00 Coke cpns from cashing in Coke Rewards points
$10 in ECB from trip #2
and the cashier scanned a Coke coupon again (on purpose)...My lucky day, I guess!

Total OOP = ZERO and I got back $2.00 in ECB for the Coke.

I ended the week with $3.69 in ECB, yikes!! And.....I had another $5/$30 CVS coupon spit out of the magic coupon machine on trip #3. Yippee!

$5/$20 at Walgreens Friday and Saturday

Here's another one of those $5/$20 Walgreens coupons to start the weekend!

I haven't decided if I'll go or not.....

And, I have CVS trips that I'll post later today!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sunday/Monday Sale At CVS

I ran into CVS real quick yesterday, just for the Sunday/Monday Halloween sale stuff.

2 Pumpkins $1.98

2 Candy Corns $2.58

2 Funlight Glow Sticks $1.98

Minus $6.00 in ECB that I ended with last week.

Total OOP $.58

ECB earned $6.58

How was that for a quick and easy trip??

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Some Good Deals At Kid To Kid

Before I ran into Kroger yesterday, I stopped into to the Kid to Kid next door. It's a children's consignment shop, my daughter calls them "hand stores". I guess I always call it the second hand store. Anyway, here's what I got for $15.48.

Here's what everything cost after using my full frequent shopper card. That gave me 20% off.

Gymboree jeans $6.39

Ralph Lauren plaid shirt $4.19

Navy Ralph Lauren shirt (in play condition since it's so faded) $ 1.40

Dillard's brand T-Shirt $2.39

Barbie Book was FREE with Book Club Card

Not too shabby!! It's just now starting to get cool (at night) here so I'm just now having to start filling in my daughter's wardrobe. My son is pretty much set. I got him lots of stuff this last spring at the end of winter season sale's. My daughter is getting a bit harder to guess on these days, size wise, so I didn't end up with quite as much for her.

My $29.56 Kroger Trip-Oct 18

I needed to few staples yesterday (milk, bread, fruit, coffee, syrup) and decided to go ahead and stock up on sale items. I think I did pretty good, considering there were a couple of impulse items (Dr. Pepper, sour cream, rice, Steam & Mash) thrown in. My total OOP was only $29.56. Yippee!

Here are some highlight's:

Steam & Mash on sale, $2.00 - $1.00 newspaper coupon = $1.00 each

Betty Crocker instant potato pouches $1.00 - $.35 newspaper coupon tripled (up to purchase price) = FREE

Dr. Pepper 2 liter on sale = $.94

Brut Deodorant on sale, $1.00 - $1.00 newspaper coupon = FREE

Irish Spring 3 pk on sale, $1.50 - $.30 newspaper cpn tripled = $.60

International Delight Coffee Creamer (the big ones) on sale, $1.99 - $.55 newspaper cpn = $1.44

Tyson Chicken Nuggets on sale, $5.00 - $1.00 newspaper coupon = $4.00

Cap'n Crunch on sale, $2.00 - $.50 newspaper coupon doubled = $1.00

Glory Blacked Eye Peas (price vary per "flavor") $1.09 - $.35 newspaper coupon tripled = $.04

Soft Soap on sale $1.00 - $.35 newspaper coupon tripled up to sale price = FREE

Sara Lee Whole Grain White Bread (only) on sale B1G1, $1.14 each. I just froze the second one.

Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce $3.19 - free item coupon = FREE

After I got my list ready I had some inspiration from Maryanne over at My Penny Pile. She does an awesome job covering what's free and super cheap at Kroger each week. This trip I saved $44.62 and earned $54 towards the Fuel Rewards discount.

Wylie Mom Random Sunday List-Oct 19

What's in store today? Just a few things....

Today the coupons section has 2 great rebates. The first is for Theraflu, it's for up to $6.99 and will a money maker with the $2 coupon. And, along the same lines Excedrine has a rebate for the 20ct Express Gels. It's also up to $6.99 and will be a money maker with the $2.00 coupon. I really like rebates!!

Speaking of rebates, my $10 Kellogg's Fuel For School rebate arrived last week, so be on the lookout for yours.

There is a sweeps for free groceries for a year from Eckrich (as in sausage), click here to enter. You can enter daily until January 29, 2009.

Win a trip to Hawaii for the 2009 All-Star Game from Santa Fe Salsa. Enter to win here.

Parent's magazine has a toy giveaway each month. Enter the drawing here. The current giveaway ends today, and a new one starts tomorrow (I think!!).

And my favorite sweeps site.....Good Housekeeping! Click here and here to check them out and enter. There are some fun new sweeps to enter!!

Have a great day!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Rockin' Samples To Start The Weekend

Here's a great list of super fun samples to request. I'm trying to make it up to you for being "offline" so much this week!

Folgers Classic Roast Sample from Walmart....hurry it will go fast!

Garnier Nutritioniste Ultra-Lift Treatment sample also from Walmart.

Orville Smart Cakes Sample from (guess where).....Walmart!

PUR Shopping List Notepad from Walmart again!! Click here for a complete list of Walmart samples. There are lots of good ones right now!

Ensure Shake Sample and Coupons, can be printed or mailed.

Airborne Original Zesty Orange Sample

Überloo's " Here is My Opinion" self sticking notes...these look fun!

Splenda No Calorie Sweetner Sample

Free Generate Kindness Sticker

And last but not least, here's a printable coupon for a FREE tall sized Caffe-Latte, Cappachino, Coffee, etc. from a Barnes and Noble Starbucks. Good through October 31, 2008.

How was that!? Enjoy the weekend!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Today's $.97 OOP CVS Trip-Oct 17

I sure have been a bad blogger this week, haven't I? But, the weekend is here and hubby's working, so I'm sure I'll get back on track. Anyway!!!! Here's my great trip to CVS this week:

6 Mars Fun Size Chocolates $9.00
2 Revlon Emery Boards $3.98
2 Colgate Max Bursts $5.98


(3) $1.00/2 Mars Chocolate newspaper cpns
(2) $1.00/1 Revlon Beauty Tool newspaper cpn
(2) $1.00/1 Colgate Max Burst newspaper cpn
$1.00 off Colgate Max Burst CVS cpn from magic coupon machine
$4 in ECB received for Colgate

I had this trip planned to zero OOP, but the magic coupon machine threw me off with the Colgate Max Burst coupon. I could have wasted a dollar on a useless filler, but opted to pay $.97 out of pocket and keep $2 in ECB. With the $4 in ECB is got back today, I have $6 for next week. And I still have my $5/$30 CVS coupon I got here (in the mail).

Between this candy and all the candy I got here at Walgreens, I'm set as far as my daughter's pre-school Halloween party goes. I'll need just a bit more and I'm set for Halloween night as well. Shopping at drugstores ROCKS!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Yay For Walgreens!! October 15th-Profit

I must be in bizarro world, since I'm so excited about my Walgreens trip and haven't even been to CVS yet. I've totally got the hang of Walgreens and all my rebates are looking good. Here's what I got this week:

Transaction #1

3 Dimetapps $11.97


(3) $2.00 Dimetapp printable coupon

$3.68 paid to Wags giftcard and only $2.29 paid OOP. I got back $10 in Register Rewards.

Transaction #2

2 Nestle Snack Size Chocolates $5.00
2 Mars Snack Size Chocolates $5.00
2 Bounty Basic Paper Towels $3.18
Arm & Hammer Detergent $2.99
Popcorn as a filler $.39


(2) $1.00/1 Nestle Chocolate printable coupon
$1.00/2 Mars Snack Size coupon from newspaper
$1.00/2 Bounty P&G coupon
Wags coupon for $.89 each Basic PT ($.70 off each)
$1.00 Arm & Hammer Detergent printable coupon
$10 in RR from transaction #1

$.14 paid OOP. Over both trips I paid $2.43 cash OOP and I'll get back $5.50 ($5 plus 10% bonus) in rebates for the chocolate and the Arm & Hammer. That's an overall profit of $3.07!!

My new game plan with Walgreens is that I use my gift card to purchase Register Rewards items. The gift card is loaded with $$ from the previous months rebates. I do these RR transactions in the next town over since their registers allow me to receive RR if I use coupons. Then I use the RR to purchase rebate items. I usually do those transactions here in Wylie. And, like I said above all my rebates I've entered so far for the month have been approved. Yippee!

P.S. Visit the "Cent"sible Sawyer's Drugstore Divas post for more drugstore deals!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Minute Maid Rebate for Sleeping Beauty Fans!

I found a great rebate hidden in our new copy of Sleeping Beauty. It's for $5 back if you purchase Sleeping Beauty, Tinker Bell, Wall-E OR Narnia AND 2 Minute Maid products. Should be a good deal with the Minute Maid coupons that have been issued recently....maybe a money maker? I mean as far is the juice is concerned. I'll consider the movie "free" anyway since I bought it with a Circuit City gift card. :)

$5 Disney/Minute Maid Rebate

Click the link above to print your rebate and read all the details or visit Minute Maid.

Kroger-Oct 13

I headed to Kroger yesterday, we needed some groceries very badly. It had been 2 weeks since I'd grocery shopped! I also had that $4 Catalina from last time I shopped that was expiring. Here's everything I got for $26.37. Not too bad!!

Some highlights:

Cottonelle $1.19 - $.50 Kroger eCoupon - $.50 newspaper coupon doubled = $.31 profit

Kozy Shack Pudding $.50 - $.25 coupon (it was only doubled) = free

Apples $.99 a pound

Strawberries $1.50 each

Kroger White Bread $.88

Auctiva $2.00 - $1.00 Kroger "catalina type" coupon = $1.00

Grands Biscuits $1.00 - $.50/2 coupon (from my coupon bar!!!), doubled = $.50 a can

Here's my big "trip highlight", I ran into the Danon man while I was picking up my Activa. He was so nice!! He gave me 4 $1.00 "peelies" and about 10 $.50 paper coupons. Yippee! For once I was in the right place at the right time. :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wylie Mom Random Sunday List-Oct 12

What's on the list today??

There's a $1 Million sweeps at HalloweenMillion.Com from Mars. As in Mars candy, not the planet. Haha! You can get a free entry code online, or on the back of Snickers, M&M's, Twix, etc. Good luck!

Be sure to clip the mail in rebate for Chapstick True Shimmer from today's Redplum insert. It's for up to $2.99 and must be post marked by December 6, 2008.

Enter to win a trip for 2 to Fashion Week in New York from Viactiv.

Don't miss the FREE Pedigree Good Bites coupon in the Redplum. A great one to share if you don't have a dog. Or you can "purchase" it yourself and make a holiday gift basket for a dog lover. :)

This month there is only 2 news sweeps at GlamAlert, OPI nail polish is having a spa day giveaway.

Anyone else catch anything fun worth mentioning??

P.S. I have no idea why blogger says this is a Saturday night post..... :)

I Headed Back To Walgreens-Oct 10

It's certainly been a odd week, I ended up with 3 transactions at Walgreens at only one at CVS. My first Walgreens trip this week is here. And, here's how I wrapped up Walgreens for the week:

Transaction #1

2 Smart Rinses $9.00


(2) $.50 Smart Rinse cpn from newspaper or try your luck on this $1.00 off Smart Rinse printable coupon.

Total paid to Walgreens gift card $8.00 and I got back $4.50 in Register Rewards.

Transaction #2

Walgreens Contact Solution $3.79
Visine $3.99
2 Coffee Mates $3.00
2 Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaners $5.00


$2.00 Visine cpn form newspaper
$2.00 Walgreens Visine cpn
(2) $2.00 off Scrubbing Bubbles printable cpn
(2) $1.00 off Coffee-Mate printable cpn
$4.50 in Register Rewards from Trans #1

I paid $1.30 cash OOP. I still have money on my GC but am worried that my rebate won't work if I use it. Anyway, I'll get back $2.20 ($1.00 each plus 10% bonus) for the Scrubbing Bubbles, through the Walgreens Rebate program. I'm still no Walgreens expert, but I'm happy with my week. Yay Wags!!

Free Samples-Oct 11

Not many samples to report today. Bummer, huh?

Carefree and Stayfree Sample from Walmart.

Fruit Roll-Up Sample from General Mills/Betty Crocker or try the Betty Crocker Potato sample!

Bear Naked Fruit & Granola Sample...yummy!

Find any really good samples?? Leave me a comment! :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sugar At Albertsons-October 10

Super quick run into Albertsons today...

2 Royal Doulton 3Pc Placesettings $59.98
3 4lb. C&H sugars on sale $5.00


2 full Albertson/Royal Doulton saver cards thanks to my family!!!!
(2) $.30 C&H coupons from paper, tripled
$.35 C&H coupon from newspaper, tripled

Total OOP= $2.15 (and I saved $65.30, haha)

P.S. The going rate for a full "savers card" on eBay is $14.99. :)

Fall Activity & Snack for Under $1

Cookies!!!!!!! The kids and I are trying to get in the fall spirit. Sometimes it takes work here in North Texas when it's still in the 80's in October. So we made "fall" cookies. I've lost the picture of ours.....they were so cute! We made sugar cookies, frosted them white (it was what I had on hand, haha) and the kids covered them with orange and black sprinkles.

We used Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix and frosting from my stock pile. The cookie mix I got for free (with a good sale and coupon at Kroger) and the frosting, I'll admit, is from the spring. I got it back when it was like $.19 at Walmart. I already had Halloween sprinkles in the cabinet. We used 1 stick of butter ($.55) and one egg ($.08), so my total cost was $.82. But, we didn't even need to step out the door!!

A great example of why is fun to stockpile!!! :)

A Good Trip To Walgreens

I know, I know! I said I was done with Walgreens! Honestly it's driving me crazy that I can't "master" the Walgreens deals so I'm practicing. Here's what I got last night:

2 Niagara Starches $3.58
1 Clorox $1.89
2 Glade Candles on sale $3.98
1 Visine $3.99


$.99 Walgreens Niagara coupon ($.80 off each)
(2) $1.00 Glade Candle cpns from newspaper
$1.19 Wags Clorox coupon ($.70 off)
$2.00 off Visine cpn from newspaper
$2.00 off Visine Wags coupon
$3.50 in Register Rewards from another "experiment" trip

Total paid on gift card (from previous Walgreens rebates), $2.15.

I should get back $2.20 for the candles. $1.00 for each Glade candle plus 10% bonus, making this trip profitable (5 cents profit), but it doesn't look like Walgreens is accepting the candles for rebate. I've already put the receipt in last night. Any experienced Wags shoppers out there? Is it because I paid with the gift card? Does Walgreens just not like me?

Either way, I paid no cash OOP and got some things we needed! Yay!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Free Fruit Roll-Up Sample

Here's a free Fruit Roll-Up Sample from Betty Crocker!!

And a reminder......are you saving your Box Tops 4 Education? Even if you don't have kids, you could still drop them off at a local school. I'd rather my local schools get a little extra money that way, instead of raising my taxes!! :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Coupons, Coupons, In The Mail

What is it? Could it be? It's 3 CVS coupons!

The CVS coupons came today. There is a $5/$30 for October, $4/$20 for November, and a $3/$15 for December. Very exciting!!!!

I also got this nice little spread from Target yesterday. I noticed that it was addressed to my hubby. I was always the primary on our registries. But, hubby almost always paid when we shopped at Target weekly (ages ago), so as far a clue to about Target's mailing lists, this one seems to be connected to actually shopping there, or maybe lack there of in our case. :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Energy Saving Workshop at the Home Depot

Winter is approaching! Is your house winter ready? Want to lower your electric bill?

Home Depot

Do-It-Herself....get it? Haha! You'll also get a $10/100 coupon for attending! :)

CVS Run #1 With A Small Profit

With the $3/15 expiring yesterday and no real plans, I headed to CVS. I was in desperate need of razor blades!! As usual, my trip didn't go as planned.

2 Bic Soleil Refils $ 11.98
2 M&M's $1.00
Vitamin Water $1.59


$3/$15 CVS coupon (expired yesterday)
(2) $2.00 printable Bic Soleil coupons
$5.00 in ECB

Total OOP $2.78 and I got back $10 in ECB. $8.00 for the razor blades and $2.00 for my summer spending. Since I got back $10 in ECB and used $5, that's a $5 ECB profit (really $3 if you don't count the summer spending). Minus the cash I spent, total profit was $2.22 (or just $.22).

I should have been charged $2.29 for the Vitamin Water and gotten $2.29 in ECB back for it. So, in this case I shouldn't have been able to use the $3/$15 coupon (my total was too low). But since I still have a profit, the manager accepted my coupon and over $2 for Vitamin Water is crazy anyway, I'll let it go. I guess I can try the water again later this week and ask if the deal is working first. :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wylie Mom Random Sunday List-Oct 5

Good morning. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!! Here's my random list of fun stuff:

"To show our appreciation for the six AMBYs, Boppy would like to give away 6 Chicco Cortina Discovery Strollers for the Month of October 2008. Winners will be selected in a random drawing." Enter the stoller drawing HERE.

Anyone actually like to cook?? Sumbit your original recipe using a Jose Ole product here at Jose Ole for a chance to win a $20,000 dream kitchen makeover.

Over at the Woman's Day giveaway page they have 37 different sweeps and contests going on. 37 different sweeps?? That should keep you busy for a minute or two.

Wisconsin Dairy Producers are giving away Holiday Butter Receipe cards.

Enter the Macy's/Clinique 3-Step Skincare Sweeps, there are 30 winners a day!

Don't forget the visit All You's Giveaway Page. They will have 26 winners this month....they're giving away 9 Crock Pots, 10 Puzzle Books and 7 Halloween Movie Packs!

Have you checked out my coupon bar lately? This month isn't super exciting but there are still a few good coupons! My favorites are the Pillsbury $.35 off Cresent Rolls and Sweet Rolls, they can be tripled at Kroger and Alberstons. The $.50 off Grands Biscuits, isn't too shabby since it can be doubled. I also printed the $.75 off Betty Crocker cookie dough...a great deal if you find it on sale for $1.00.

Weekends are usually a day of "work" for me since my hubby is usually at work too. I'm used to the schedule and it works perfect for us! Even more so now that I've been blessed with the oppourtunity to stay at home. I love having him home weekdays since we can usually find fun things to do with the kids on the cheap during the week. We'll be hitting the State Fair on Wednesday for $4, click here to see how. :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Extra Cash With Online Surveys

What do you think of surveys? I definitely don't think they are the road to riches, but they are fun! And, you can make a few extra bucks or try a new product!!

One of the first places I signed up a few months back was Survey Spot. Since that time I have received $22 in "cash", a cake mix with frosting to try and a handheld electronic device valued at over $250 to try and keep!!!

I will admit that I'm picky about which surveys I fill out. I tend to pick $$ only surveys if available. Some sites pay out only in points that you can convert to cash and gift cards. In that case I look for high point surveys. I have also found that setting up a new e-mail account for surveys only really helped me out. This way, during the evenings or nap time if I have a few moments, all my available surveys are in one spot and I'm not sorting through my inbox looking for them.

I've found two fellow bloggers with great lists of paid survey sites. Try Homemaker Barbi's list or Money Saving Methods' list. You may need to try out a few before you settle on some that you like....but a separate e-mail box is key!!

Another fun and easy way to make a little money is and MyPoints . I have about $15 with Inbox Dollars right now, you need $25 to cash out. And with MyPoints I have about 3500 points which is already enough for a $25 gift card. MyPoints includes places like CVS, Pottery Barn, Chili's, etc....!

What are your favorite survey site????

Friday, October 3, 2008

State Fair of Texas 2008 Discounts

I found an awesome list of admission discounts for the Texas State Fair There are different discount sponsors almost everyday of the week.

Hubby and I are planning on taking the kids next Wednesday. So, it looks like for $4 and 12 canned goods, we'll be getting in. Thanks to Kroger that is. :)

I can't mention the Texas State Fair without mentioning the OU/Texas Game that will be played there, at the Cotton Bowl, on October 11th. The Sooners are currently ranked #1. GO SOONERS!!!!!!

My New Coupon Binder

Do you remember my old coupon organization system? Well, I needed an upgrade! I bought a new binder here and spent a few weeks searching for baseball sleeves. I finally gave up and went to a baseball card store (crazy idea, huh?). I was hoping to find some at Michael's or Hobby Lobby so I could use a coupon.

I ended up with 100 sheets and paid about $17. Yikes!! I wasn't sure what I would need. I may keep the spares for replacements as these wear out. I also still need dividers, but I'm cheap! So, I'm hoping to run across some here at the house or somewhere on sale super cheap.

The front part zips open by itself and has my circulars filed away. It's perfect for holding the current ad and monthly deals (CVS/Walgreens). I like that I can also access the ads once I'm inside the binder. That's what's shown in the picture.

Just inside, I have scissors, paper clips, a pen, paper, etc.... I don't really need those "on the go", but it makes coupon time at the house super quick. I'm not having to collect my supplies and put them away when I'm done.

Check out those shiny pages full of coupons. Ahhhh.....! I can put coupons away faster and find them in about 5 seconds flat. I haven't decided on the best way to pull expired coupons....I guess I'll give it a few weeks and it will work itself out, I'm sure.

Before, I would pull coupons that I might use at the store and have to put them back if I didn't. For example, if I wanted to get to the store and look at prices and decide what chicken to get. With the new system, I just make a note on the list and pull the coupon once I decide. It's so neat and clean.

In the very back I have a few plastic sleeves with my store envelopes in them. In here I keep coupons for that store only, my ECB, my Walgreens gift card, all the Target coupons, etc.

The very last picture is my Restaurant/Dept. Store coupon book. I used a free (cheap) photo album. They sell these everywhere as a "brag book" for like $1. I started stores on one side and restaurants on the other and they almost meet in the middle. This way, I can keep this in purse and not have to lug the HUGE binder out with the hubby if we're eating out or looking for shoes. :)

I will admit, it took me HOURS to move over into the binder but it was SO worth it! How do you keep your coupons organized????

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Party City $20 Coupon!

Perfect for fall shopping! Use it for costumes, Halloween decorations, birthday supplies, etc.

$20 off $60 (or more) Party City Coupon!

It's valid now through October 13, 2008. :)

Walmart Sample-Pamprin

Have you checked the Walmart samples lately??

Here's the new Pamprin Sample......

They also still have Benefiber, Goodnights, Nicorette, Gain, Jergens and Pledge samples right here. I hope you are requesting samples and using them! I love getting something fun in the mail (almost) everyday and I love trying new products. It's a win/win!!
Ed Hardy

About Me

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DFW, Texas
I'm a married, stay-at-home mom to two kiddos in grade school. I love to save money as much as I like to make it! Coupons, thrift stores? Lead the way! But wait....there's more! I have a BBA from University of Oklahoma and I was a banker and an accountant before I became a domestic goddess!


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