Vaseline Sheer Infusion $7.99
Xtra Detergent $1.99
Gillette Fusion $9.99
4 Packs of Wigley's $4.00
2 8-packs of Reece's $1.76
$1.50 off Vaseline Sheer Infusion printable coupon
$4.00 P&G coupon from Sunday's insert
(2) B1G1 Free Wigley's newspaper coupon (saved $2)
(2) $.55 Reese's newspaper coupon
$4/20 CVS coupon that was mailed to me
$10 in ECB from 2 weeks ago
Total OOP=$3.39
I got back $13 in ECB ($7 lotion, $5 razor, $1 gum) so that's a $3 Extra Care Buck "profit" (I spent $10 in ECB). Overall, that's $.39 for the trip and I saved $25.60.
I think I'll sell the razor. It was a tool to use my $20 coupon and if make anything more than $.39 on it, that's a profit for the trip. I actually think I'll just list it to my store for $7 or $8 with free shipping. The Reese's are perfect for Halloween or a donation to a fall festival (ditto for the gum), hopefully I don't eat them first, if they were Reese's Piece they wouldn't have even made it home! :)
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