Free Starbuck's Frappuccino for a friend, nominate of friend who deserves a FREE Starbuck's Frappucccio. Maybe they'll return the favor!!
I shared this with the Wylie Mom Facebook Group last night. Please be sure to check it out!
Free Smucker's Uncrustables - I posted this already this morning, but just in case you might miss it, here it is again! UPDATE - This offer is already closed! They only offered 20,000 coupons and they went FAST!
And how about some FREE magazines??? Yes, folks these are legit!! I get a TON of free magazines that we read, recycle and sell.
Free 1 yr. subscription to Forbes magazine, I also posted this on Facebook. :)
Free 1 yr. subscription to Metropolitan Home magazine. Thanks to Deal Seeking Mom!!
Have a great morning, and be sure to think positive!!
Ah, I love it when you post freebies that I like! Yay for starbucks.
All my freebies are with you in mind Keith! But, seriously, I have tried to be more well rounded with them. I mean seriously, who really needs new samples of Always pads each week?
On a side note, I learned the "I cry for you" bit, was all lies!!! Today he cried when I dropped him off and his teacher said, "I've never seen him cry". So much for missing me, but I like how he's playing with my emotions at 3 yrs. old!!
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