So I asked the manager to re-ring me. We moved to an open register, so I wasn't the biggest pain. Anyway....correct total? $15.38!!!! I used the last of a gift card and only paid $4.21 OOP. Yay, Target!
The register is always the toughest part of couponing. I have everything in order and know my prices, but I also have to entertain/keep an eye on the kids. Yesterday when I was re-rung, she asked me to place my coupons with each of my items so we could scan them together and be sure nothing was missed (like the $10 just before). It seemed to work. I think I will try it again, maybe change my routine? I never spend more than $35-40 a trip, so it would be easy. Anyone else have a good routine that helps you watch your savings at the register?
Before I went, I printed Target coupons at A Full Cup to stack with my coupons and looked the weeks deals over at The "Cent"sible Sawyer.
I have the exact same problem, I have everything worked out in my head but when I get to the register sometimes it just falls apart, especially at Cvs and Walgreens. I think I will try the put the coupon with every item trick from now on and just hand the cashier the $/$$ first .
Yeah, that is totally cool. I too love to save money. Right now I am getting into Freecycle. Ever need to get or give stuff away? Join. I am addicted. Like your blog. Need to read more when I am not so dead tired. Nice to meet you Wylie Mom.
Do you garbage pick too?
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